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Teaching children methods.


People often ask me if I teach children and what methods I use for teaching them.


Such questions can not be answered right away without understanding some main information about the child. 

I do teach children. Their age can vary from 3 to 12 and teenagers from 13 to 19. 


I can’t say exact which methods I am going to use to teach, for example, a 4 year old child without meeting him or her. First I have to understand how he or she prefers to learn information better. 


Some children and adults as well learn better when they listen to information. Others have to see what they want to learn because they remember things better when they see them. Usually, younger children like games although there are children who prefer theatrical performances.  Some children have a technical mind and need precise explanations, whereas others are more emotional and prefer rhythms and songs. 


So, only after understanding all these inclinations that a child has can I tune my methods to make the process of learning more efficient and effective. 


For example. If I see that a child doesn't remember so well words he or she hears, I use flashcards. I write down all his challenging words in his tetrad notebook and give them to the child. I separate the cards into “I know” and “I don’t know yet" groups that helps the child learn them faster.


Another example is to play games such as reading a sentence and then have the child repeat it after me, the same way I do. Then, I read another sentence and he repeats it after me again. We do this a couple times. Then I read the first sentence and the second together and now he can already repeat two sentences etc. It is a very good way to improve his memory and learn proper pronunciation. 


Another example, I read a few sentences of a children's story and the child tries to repeat it as best he can. I correct the mistakes and he does it again, with fewer mistakes. After only a few times he can repeat the few lines without any mistakes. He paraphrases the story piece his own way which differs from the text I originally read. This gives him the impression that he created his own story. Or we describe different pictures. We take a picture of a wolf and learn different parts of its body and then I describe the picture. Then the child repeats it after me.


These are just a few approaches that I use to teach children. 


A very important part of my lesson is writing down the results. After every lesson I write down everything we have done for this lesson so that we can see his progress. We can track the results for each lesson for the whole period of learning. When a child sees the results and feels that he’s making progress he starts learning English even better and faster with enthusiasm. Like today we learned 10 words, for the month we’ve learned 85 words and you already know 2 songs and how to describe 5 animals.


My purpose for teaching any student is to inspire him to love English. I find something interesting that they can do using English. In this case English becomes not only the purpose but the means to the purpose. I am sure that learning can be fun and I have many examples when a person found something he liked doing and his English improved faster. If someone needs a Russian speaking teacher I strongly recommend my partner Igor Shavkunov who uses the same methods and can explain something a student might need to know in the Russian language.


(2010 - Awarded 
МГАУ University Doctor Title to Teach Phrasal Verbs to МГАУ Faculty).
Home: Moscow, R.F. (Metro Vodny Stadion) 
(Mobile): +7 (926) 813-78-47 (Mon-Sat 9:00-18:00), (Sunday 18:00-21:00)
Email: gwdolemoscow@gmail.com