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Прочитайте текст. Заполните пропуски в предложениях под номерами В4-В10 соответствующими формами слов, напечатанных заглавными буквами справа от каждого предложения. TEST 12 (part 1)

The Parking Ticket


Mary enjoyed driving around town, even during rush-hour. The only thing she disliked was parking her car.



The other drivers were always so impatient, beeping their horns while she was trying to reverse into a space. On one occasion, she’d simply given up and driven away.



There were several multi-storey car parks in the town but they were very expensive. “Maybe I will find a space quickly today,” she thought as she drove slowly around the side-streets.



Suddenly, Mary spotted a gap between two cars. She waited until the car behind her had passed and then quickly drove into the space.



After a pleasant afternoon wandering around the shops, Mary made her way back to her car. But then, just before she reached it, she saw something flapping under the windscreen wiper. “Oh no!” she said to herself, “I have been given a parking ticket!”



But as Mary got closer, she realised that it wasn’t a ticket after all. A local restaurant was promoting its new menu and someone had left one under the windscreen wipers of all the cars parked in the area. She sighed with relief.



It was only after Mary had finished loading her shopping into the boot that she noticed the big yellow clamp fixed on the wheel of her car.

“Oh no!” she said to herself. She would have to pay eighty pounds to get it removed!